Winter-wonderland at Tryvann

23386_10151584214625984_1247628834_nI love most activities that involve any type of board and speed and I was already starting to get restless with being unable to skate due to the nature of the Norwegian fall that is usually quite rainy. So when the snow finally arrived I was pretty stoked to check out the hills of the local ski center up at Tryvann. It is only 20 min. from the center of the city with the tube, so most people just walk directly into the subway with their ski gear on.

Even if it is rainy and slushy downtown, when you step out of the subway at Tryvann it is winter-wonderland. It is a small ski park, but it has a lot to offer for people who are into having fun with jumps, rails and pipes. These slopes are blue, which means easy to intermediate depending on your level, but there are also longer red slopes as well as one black slope for people who just want to cruise or slalom down and then go back up with the lift.


There are student friendly prices on Fridays, and on weeknights you get 50% on the lift cards from 20-22, which makes it perfect for anyone who just wants a quick get-away after work or school. On cold, clear days there is a perfect view over the city and the surrounding forest area, that gives the place a unique charm because it makes you feel like you are right there in the middle of the forest on the mountain with the beauty of raw nature at your feet, and yet in the distance you can glimpse the buzzing city with its daily trit-trots back and forth. This also makes it perfect for tourists who want a piece of both of those two cakes, and you will often hear all kinds of languages on the slopes.


On weekends it can be quite busy and there may be lines for the lifts, but that is not much different from other ski centers I have visited, so I don’t really count that as a negative point. I went to the hills last week during the night and I had a great time going down the slopes even if they were a bit icy due to it having rained and the fact that the winter seems to fade more and more into spring.

DSC06141I did take pictures that I actually planned to show here on the blog, however, my phone did not have as much fun skiing as I did, and decided to die an early death after having spent the trip in my wet pocket.  I mourned the loss by buying myself a new iPhone the next day. I did however find some pictures from Tryvann that I took another time I was there. These show some of the slopes and how nice it can be on a somewhat clear day.
