Latvian residents now see less obstacles for starting a business

small businessCompared to 2012, public evaluation of various factors that influence starting a business, has improved this year, according to a survey carried out by Swedbank Business Network, cites LETA.

The number of those who believe that the economic situation is not connected with starting a business, has decreased to 27%, while in 2012, the figure was 43%.


During the past two years, the number of those who believe that lack of knowledge is an obstacle for starting a business, has dropped 10%. This year, more people have become “more motivated, fearless and confident” about their business ideas.


The general tendency has improved; however, people have become more critical about their ability to run a business. One-fourth of respondents believe that they are not fit to be business owners, which itself is a major obstacle. Compared to 2012, the number of those who believe they are not the “business type”, has grown by 11%. Nevertheless, international experts indicate that there are many types of businessmen – some are successful business owners, some are leaders, while others can be generators for brilliant ideas.

Swedbank Business Network invites up-and-coming business owners to meet with the renowned business mentor of the United States, Jay Abraham, on June 5. Those attending will be able to find out their “type” and reveal how it can influence the business based on a formula proposed by Abraham, which is based on four entrepreneurial types: BOSI (Builder, Opportunist, Specialist, Innovator).