Baltic sea landscapes

anssiActually, the title should be Finnish sea landscapes, but whatever – this time I’ll present some photo s from our boating trips. Some subject to some mild editing, but I can assure you that the reality was much much more beautiful!
This misty landscape was taken in Porkkala last midsummer. Porkkala is a peninsula in the most southern parts of Finland and was owned by the Soviet Union after the second world war. These days, it is full of nice summer cottages and the nearby islands (such as this one, Stora Svartö) are popular destinations for boaters.
Jurmo is one the most remote islands in the Finnish archipelago. Its nature is bleak and the sea can get quite harsh, but it is still worth a visit. The village hosts around ten inhabitants around the year – it’s hard to imagine what living here in the winter is like!
Summer 2011 was hot. This is taken close to midnigh t at Nauvo, and there were still some kids swimming. It can be quite windy during day time, but luckily most Finnish summer nights are like this: clear and calm.
Nice sunset in Stävö, which is actually not in the archipelago but in mainland. For those living in southern latitudes, it might come as a surprise that this particular sunset happened after 11PM, and already around 2AM it was light again.
For most summer nights, we don’t have to suffer from darkness even though the sun is set: the moon lightens! This photo was taken at 1AM in Storherman, close to national park of Tammisaari archipelago.The camera exposure was 1/20 sec. but clearly the quality suffered a bit (ISO 3200).
This fisheye moment is taken after 10PM on Midsummer 2012, some minutes before
the sunset. The place is Bylandet, a small and popular island owned by the city of Espoo. This, as many other islands owned and maintained by cities of Helsinki and Espoo are free for all boaters to anchor and utilize. They offer basic services such as toilets, trash collection, and basic open fire cooking facilities. Even though it’s snowing at the moment, I can’t help but dream of the summer already!